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The Foster Cottage Museum / Clifton Springs Historical Society
Clifton Springs, NY

The Clifton Springs Historical Society was formed to inspire community memory on both personal and scholarly levels by preserving and sharing the story of Clifton Spring's Village , its people and the early Water Cure, which caused it to grow and expand. The Foster Cottage Museum and Our Historical Society are committed to conducting ourselves in the highest level of professional and ethical standards. We will strive for excellence in service and, to the best of our abilities, help, aid and assist people in their research of that rich history.

Your donations help:
Donations will be used for the Museum to purchase a digital video recorder and player to be able to interview older citizens of the village and record their recollections and oral history for posterity. There is a powerful amount of history "out there", that we are missing and should have been recorded. When completed we would be able to play these interviews at the museum and our website.

There are many ways you can get involved.

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