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Hull Family Home & Farmstead
Lancaster, NY

Our rich fabric of cultural heritage is something to cherish, protect, and build upon. We seek to preserve and to enhance our broad range of resources through sensitive stewardship, protection and enrichment for the future.

The Hull House Restoration Project is about sustaining, overseeing and ensuring the continuation of the Western New York story and the rich heritage that can be interpreted through this historic treasure. This site deserves to be preserved, interpreted, and celebrated for its own sake, as well as for all of the residents of our community.

The Hull House Foundation firmly believes in maintaining the authenticity and integrity of our historical site. The heart of heritage development is to tell real stories—stories that explain the places and also tell why these places are important. We, therefore, derive an appreciation and understanding of the significance and value of our community and its past. This, in turn, helps us create a sense of shared experience and meaning.

In telling the story about how we arrived at this point here in the 21st century, how we grew and developed since the first settlers to this area, and how we became the community we are today, we are relighting the past so our story can be shared with future generations.

Your donations help:
Your donations will be used to provide furnishings for the homestead which is in the process of restoration.

There are many ways you can get involved.

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