4th Infantry Division Museum

Fort Carson , CO

The 4th Infantry Division Museum provides exhibit galleries that detail the history of the Division from 1917 to present day. The galleries are set up to provide a self-guided tour for both military and civilian audiences. Additionally, the museum can provide History Packets to soldiers who are studying for boards. Officer Professional Development Programs and Non-Commissioned Officer Professional Development Programs are available on different topics and may be scheduled through the museum office: 287-8811. Special programs for school groups are targeted to different age groups and may be scheduled through the museum office. Research requests are handled by museum staff as time permits. Researchers who want to use the museum archives/library to do on-site research should schedule a time in advance of their arrival date.
Donated money goes for a variety of projects at the museum that are beyond what our regular budget can cover. Examples would be restoration of vehicles, purchase of educational materials, grounds landscaping, purchase of artifacts, and many other projects.
  • More about 4th Infantry Division Museum here!