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T. F. Chen Cultural Center
New York, NY

The T. F. Chen Cultural Center is a 501-C3 non-profit organization aiming to promote Dr. Chen's vision of a “Global New Renaissance in Love” and East-West cultural exchange. As a United Nations 2001 Global Tolerance Award recipient and designated "Cultural Ambassador of Tolerance and Peace," Dr. Chen devotes his time to writing books and creating artwork that expresses the positive multicultural message of an “Age of Love.”

The TFCCC's main project is the "Arts For Humanity World Tour" a five year program consisting of innovative art exhibits, cultural events, music concerts and educational programs; focusing on peace, cultural harmony and empowering our youth through the Arts. Dr. Chen is graciously donating the proceeds, from sales of his artwork, to fund the $3.5 million dollars projected budget needed to tour 40 cities in 15 countries over 5 years.

Other projects include: an Associate's Circle for Chen's project of "World Cultural Diplomacy" and a "T.F. Chen Research Fund" to encourage the scholarly study and research on Dr. Chen's half-century of creation, action and philosophy (Selected research papers will be rewarded and published).

Your donations help:
Your greatly appreciated donations will help support the Arts for Humanity World Tour. To learn more about his great cause, please visit our website.

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